

May 14, 2009

(I was told that I should try to write about her, that it might help. At this point, I cannot do that. This CANNOT be my life right now. The past few days, I have been ok. While everyone around me has been falling apart, I have been strong, making arrangements to send my Mommy off in a way that she would like…calling the mortgage company, credit cards, etc. Today…I just really wish I could hug my mother. I wish I could call her and hear her laugh. I’d even be ok with her bitching me out about something. You never realize these things until after someone is gone. How was I to know that our last conversation would be about my prom dresses and Pillars of the Earth?)

I just…

So, yeah…all I can say right now is Hiatus. Indefinite.

Please pray for us.


  1. word! Praying for you and yours to make it thru.

    So very sorry for your loss.

  2. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I send you a big virtual (((((((((hug))))))).

  3. 😦

    *sending hugs*

  4. I was 19 years old when I lost my own mother and one of the things that still sticks with me TODAY is that folks automatically assumed that because I wasn’t amongst those who were hoopin’ n’ hollerin’ that I didn’t have my own time to grieve.

    I think that’s the assumption A LOT of folks [who don’t realize that everybody deals with the death of a loved one in their own way] tend to make.

    You’re the backbone of the family and I commend you for that.

    Take all the time you need Monie. We’ll be here if/when you get back.


  5. So, so, so sorry to hear that Monie – words can’t even express… my prayers go out to you and yours.
    God Bless.

  6. Sorry to hear that and I know you are hurting, my prayers are with you. Stay blessed because you are.

  7. tears just sprang to my eyes. take as much time as you need. ehug.

  8. Praying for you and the fam always…

  9. i’m so sorry to hear that monie…wow, i don’t know what to say. just i’m sorry, and God Bless you. Many prayers

  10. Do whatever you need to do sis, remember I’m a phone call away

  11. I’m so sorry sweetie. *BIG HUG*

  12. Awww, this made me sad. So sorry for your lost.

  13. Longtime lurker……..I’m so sorry for your families loss.

  14. oh man…i’m so sorry to hear the news, so sorry for your loss. i lost my mom about 3 years ago…it takes some time for the pain to ease…stay strong til then.

  15. Very sorry about your mother. I know its nothing anyone can say to make things better. I definitely understand wanting space.

  16. Praying for you!

  17. God bless you and your fam Monie.

  18. so sorry for your loss. you and your family are in my prayers. hoping for much needed comfort, strength and peace for you and yours.

  19. My condolences babygurl, I really don’t know what to say. Be strong and keep it moving!

  20. I am so sorry for your loss Monie. You and your family are in my prayers.


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